City of Ottawa, Peck Park Playground Improvements

The Work generally includes the installation of playground equipment, splash pad equipment, concrete sidewalk and related appurtenances. Bid Proposal A includes removals, earth excavation, sewer and water services, aggregate base course, equipment installation and surface restoration. Bid Proposal B includes sidewalk only. Bidders may submit either Proposal A, Proposal B, or both. The City may award Proposals A and B individually or a combination of proposals, whichever is in the City’s best interest.

Bid Opening 10:00 am on Tuesday, May 21, 2024.

City of Ottawa, Green Street Elevation Project

The Work generally includes the installation of three 8’ by 12’ precast box culverts, roadway construction approximately 12’ above existing grade, furnished excavation, installation of water main and storm sewer, and related appurtenances.

Bid Opening: 10:00 am on Tuesday, October 31, 2023.

Village of Malden, New Wastewater Treatment Plant

The project generally includes the construction of a new Algaewheel Wastewater Treatment Plant including an Algaewheel greenhouse type treatment building, buried treatment equipment tankage and associated connecting underground piping and valves, a water supply well and associated appurtenances, demolition of the existing wastewater treatment plant, and restoration.

Bid Opening: 10:00 am on Thursday, June 22, 2023.