City of Ottawa, Peck Park Playground Improvements

Separate sealed Bids for the Work described herein will be received by the City of Ottawa at City Hall, 301 West Madison Street, Ottawa, LaSalle County, Illinois, until 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 and at that time publicly opened and read aloud.

The proposed Work is officially known as the “PECK PARK PLAYGROUND IMPROVEMENTS” and is further described as follows:

The Work generally includes the installation of playground equipment, splash pad equipment, concrete sidewalk and related appurtenances. Bid Proposal A includes removals, earth excavation, sewer and water services, aggregate base course, equipment installation and surface restoration. Bid Proposal B includes sidewalk only. Bidders may submit either Proposal A, Proposal B, or both. The City may award Proposals A and B individually or a combination of proposals, whichever is in the City’s best interest.