Separate sealed Bids for the Work described herein will be received by the City of Ottawa at City Hall, 301 West Madison Street, Ottawa, LaSalle County, Illinois, until 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 and at that time publicly opened and read aloud.
The proposed Work is officially known as the “PECK PARK PLAYGROUND IMPROVEMENTS” and is further described as follows:
The Work generally includes the installation of playground equipment, splash pad equipment, concrete sidewalk and related appurtenances. Bid Proposal A includes removals, earth excavation, sewer and water services, aggregate base course, equipment installation and surface restoration. Bid Proposal B includes sidewalk only. Bidders may submit either Proposal A, Proposal B, or both. The City may award Proposals A and B individually or a combination of proposals, whichever is in the City’s best interest.